Monday, October 4, 2010

Toyless and Shoeless

Hey Guys!!!

So I have been fortunate enough to meet all different types of people from different socio-economical backgrounds.  I have been learning a lot about the children who suffer from poverty here in Torréon.  A teacher was telling about her students in the public school she teaches at.  The children wait around for her to finish her lunch to see if there is crust left over from her sandwich because their mother doesn't have any money to give them food.  She said some teachers say to not feed them because they will continue to ask for food, so some teachers throw their leftovers in the garbage.  She also told me a story about a little girl who she had in her class who was walking funny for three days... When she asked her why she had been walking funny, she said that she doesn´t have any shoes but she has to wear shoes to go to school.... Her mother was given shoes by a neighbor that were 2 sizes too small, so she had to wear them....

I am going to begin volunteering in an orphanage sometime soon, but I want to be able to do more....  I want to buy books, clothing, food and toys for the children who have nothing.  Some who are abused.

So I am asking for your help to donate so I can purchase these things very cheap down here.  Anything will help.

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